Ethical Policies

Group Policy Number : ZC 1050682
  • Lunar Freezing and Cold Storage Company Limited is a member of Sedex ( Sedex is home to one of the world’s largest collaborative platform
  • for buyers,suppliers and auditors to store, share and report on information quickly and easily. The platform is used by more than 50,000 members in over
  • 150 countries to manage performance around labour rights, health and safety, the environment and business ethics.
  • Sedex is not a standard setting body and doesn’t approve or certify our policies and standards. Instead, being a member of Sedex is a sign of our company's
  • willingness to share information and to use this information to help manage and improve ethical standards within the supply chain.
Modern Slavery Statement
Lunar Freezing and Cold Storage Company Limited
  • The UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“MSA”), which came into force on 29 October 2015, addresses the rise of new forms of slavery. The objective of
  • the MSA is to consolidate slavery and human trafficking offences whilst increasing the maximum penalties and sentencing rules for such crimes.
  • In addition, it establishes an independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner and introduces new compensatory measures and protections for victims of
  • trafficking.
Ethical Trading Policy (20/07/2023)
Lunar Freezing and Cold Storage Company Limited
  • Lunar Freezing and Cold Storage Co Ltd. recognises the responsibility that we share with our suppliers to source products in an ethical manner.
  • We want our customers to be confident that people are treated fairly, are not exploited and are not exposed to unsafe working conditions.
  • Click on the link for the full policy.
Modern Slavery Policy (20/07/2023)
Lunar Freezing and Cold Storage Company Limited
  • Lunar Freezing and Cold Storage Co Ltd. are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships
  • and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business or in any of
  • our supply chains.
  • Click on the link for the full policy.
RFS - Responsible Fishing Scheme
  • Lunar Bow PD265, RFVS
  • Pathway PD165, RFVS
  • Harvester PD98,
  • Ocean Harvest PD198,